Monday, April 30, 2012

choco caviar

craving for some caviar?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Discover Indonesia


I just open the Indonesian's official tourism website and I like it so much!
It is very attractive and provide complete information about Indonesia's travel destination, so I believe tourist from Indonesia and abroad can choose and see freely about what we have here in Indonesia.

Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, contains many beautiful places, with so many different cultures that you wouldn't be bored to discover it one by one. As the biggest island country in the world, Indonesia surrounded by a long line of beach and sea, the most famous one are Bali, Belitung and Raja Ampat at Papua.
You can see by your own at:

I wish I go to many places in Indonesia, soon.
Proud to be an Indonesian. :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pasar Batu, Jakarta

Pasar batu located in Jatinegara area, Jakarta city. Jatinegara train station is just across the market, so you will find the market really easy. Here, you can find so many accessories for woman from bracelets, necklace, rings and many more. The name of the market, which is 'batu', means 'stone', but the meaning here is so much closer to 'batu mulia' or 'gems'. Beforehand, this market only sold 'batu akik' which many old and traditional man in Indonesia wear that, but since the government rebuild the building and make nicer market so by itself it'll invite more costumer to shop in here.

Price? of course you don't have to worry. From 2k rupiah until as expensive as you expect, they all are here. But I tell you, the price in here is so much much cheaper than if you buy the same item in the mall or you buy it online by your friends. For example, the nice mask rings in the picture right only cost 20k rupiah. Another example, the bracelet in the bottom picture, my friend said that she looked the items in the mall for 40k, but do you know what? I only buy it for another 20k :D Even my mom said that her friend offers her some brooch, but the price is twice than in the market. hahaha,,

being attractive not always have to be expensive, isn't it? :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012


do you want some cakes?


Gaudeamus igitur
Juvenes dum sumus.
Gaudeamus igitur
Juvenes dum sumus.
Post jucundam juventutem
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus.
Nos habebit humus.

Vivat academia!
Vivant professores!
Vivat academia!
Vivant professores!
Vivat membrum quod libet
Vivant membra quae libet
Semper sint in flore.
Semper sint in flore.

Hey, it's my 2nd graduation. :)

Second time wear toga, second time hear my name announced in the building, second time walk to the front to shake hand with rector.
Allowed me to say thank you for myself, to not give up and can accomplish this project. Hey, I'm proud of you, myself.

Although I didn't feel too much euphoria of graduation before the day, well, I spend almost a whole week in a hospital, but I'm glad it went well. Such a pity that my Dad cannot came to the event, because I know that he was the one that really want to went there, to saw me for the second time finished my study. I'm glad that you are much much better now, Dad.

Thank you for my mom and brother, who can wake up and went to Bandung at 5 in the morning. Sorry to make you both in such a hardship to saw me that day, but I was really happy to had you both that day. Thanks for my family, uwa uni, uwa ida, uwa jaka, tante anti, mang beni, faisal thank you for celebrating it with us. And also thanks to pak wasto, who drive us everywhere that day.

Give an applause for my greatest boyfriend. Sorry to give you a lot of trouble, and really really thank you for accompany me and my family. Never feel the same without you. puc!

For all my friend who came and give me congratulations, thank you, thank you very much. Thank you Ekkal, well, i'm still waiting for your mom's cake, hihi,, Thank you mia for the green roses, om rei for the 'sedap malam', prama, deni, dewi and isti for the white roses, mbak wina, for the red roses, aulia, and many other friends. Thank you all :)

Congratulations too for my dear cousin Mia, happy for your Cum Laude too ^.^, Ka yosep, najat, kang abi, kang asep, mas dikdik, mas youke, kang acong, Rexy oppa, Hassan, and other Terra grad. Hope we can apply our knowledge in the real world, and make it useful for others, aamiin.

Gaudeamus igitur :)
Mari kita bersenang-senang :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


it is weird.

this time again,
when I asked to God in my pray,
you were appeared in my dream.

is it the answer?

i dunno.
i don't want to hope anything.

let time flies,
and maybe it will solve everything, including you.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


As an Indonesians, we must already know what tahu is.

Tahu dan tempe adalah 2 makanan olahan kedelai yang paling populer di Indonesia. Kenapa? Of course karena rasanya memang enak dan harganya yang murah. Tahu sekarang sudah banyak diolah dan dimasak dalam berbagai jenis, sebut saja, tahu kuning, tahu putih, tofu, tahu sumedang, tahu bulat, bahkan ada keripik tahu. Dan bahkan, sekarang tahu bukan hanya terbuat dari kedelai namun ada juga yang terbuat dari susu sapi. Tapi tahukah kamu kalau tahu menyimpan keunggulan-keunggulan tersendiri?

Pada post ini akan dibahas hanya mengenai tahu yang terbuat dari kacang kedelai. Tahu mempunyai mutu protein nabati terbaik karena mempunyai komposisi asam amino paling lengkap dan diyakini memiliki daya cerna yang tinggi (sebesar 85% -98%). Pada tahu terdapat berbagai macam kandungan gizi, seperti protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kalori dan mineral, fosfor, vitamin B-kompleks seperti thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin E, vitamin B12, kalium dan kalsium (yang bermanfaat mendukung terbentuknya kerangka tulang). Dan paling penting, dengan kandungan sekitar 80% asam lemak tak jenuh tahu tidak banyak mengandung kolesterol, sehingga sangat aman bagi kesehatan jantung. Bahkan karena kandungan hidrat arang dan kalorinya yang rendah, tahu merupakan salah satu menu diet rendah kalori.

Tahu dibuat dengan mengentalkan sari kedelai menggunakan garam mineral (biasanya kalsium sulfat). Sari kedelai inilah yang membuat tahu kaya dengan manfaat kesehatan. Perbandingan kadar protein antara tahu (kedelai) dengan sumber makanan yang lain:
Tahu (kedelai)= 35%, Susu skim kering=36%, kacang hijau= 22%, Daging=19%, Ikan segar=17%, Telur ayam=13%, Jagung=9,2%, Beras=6.8% dan Tepung singkong=1,1%.

Beberapa manfaat tahu antara lain:

1. Menurunkan kolesterol

LDL (kolesterol jahat) dapat berkurang sebanyak 35-40 persen, mengurangi terjadinya pembekuan darah, bahkan meningkatkan tingkat HDL (kolesterol baik). Sebuah studi oleh tim medis dari Kanada membuktikan bahwa tahu dapat menurunkan kolesterol jahat dalam tubuh. Studi yang dipublikasikan di American Journal of Clinical Nutrition dilakukan pada 55 orang lelaki dan perempuan usia setengah baya yang mengidap kolesterol tinggi.

Setelah mengikuti diet sehat, partisan tersebut diikutkan pada pola makan beragam, mulai dari kacang almond, tahu, sayuran mentah, dan jenis makanan kedelai lain. Setelah setahun, kolesterol mereka diukur. Hasilnya, mereka yang mengonsumsi tahu mengalami penurunan kolesterol lebih besar dibanding kelompok pengonsumsi makanan lain.

2. Meningkatkan produksi energi

Tahu merupakan sumber makanan yang kaya zat besi, yang menyediakan 30 persen dari nilai harian yang direkomendasikan untuk zat besi dalam 100 gram. Zat besi dalam tahu terutama digunakan sebagai bagian dari hemoglobin yang membantu dalam ransportasi dan pelepasan oksigen ke seluruh tubuh mempromosikan produksi energi.

3. Diet menu

Tinggi protein membuat perut tidak cepat merasa lapar. Juga, sifat rendah kalori (sekitar 80 kalori dalam 100 gram) tidak menambahkan kalori ekstra untuk menu diet Anda.

4. Tahu untuk wanita

Selain menurunkan kolesterol, tahu juga terbukti dapat mencegah kanker payudara. Rahasia khasiat tahu ternyata ada pada kandungan isoflavon yang mengandung hormon estrogen. Isoflavon juga memperlambat proses penuaan pada perempuan. Selama menopause, estrogen wanita berfluktuasi, baik naik atau turun di bawah tingkat normal. Fitoestrogen dari kedelai dapat membantu menjaga keseimbangan hormon tersebut. Mereka yang mengonsumsi tahu 25 persen lebih banyak mengalami peningkatan pembentukan estrogen dibanding yang tidak. Hal ini dapat membantu mengurangi frekuensi dan beratnya gejala hot flashes (rasa panas pada perut) pada wanita menopause

Selain manfaat-manfaat diatas, tahu juga mempunyai manfaat untuk mencegah osteoporosis, membantu para penderita diabetes, dan juga membuat tekanan darah menjadi rendah.

Dengan semua manfaat diatas, tidak ada salahnya kan kalau kita jadikan menu alternatif dalam menu makan kita :D
Berikut merupakan komposisi Zat Gizi pada 100 gram tahu kuning: Energi 63 kal,
Air 86, 7 g,
Protein 7,9 g,
Lemak 4,1 g,
Karbohidrat 0,4 g dan
Serat 0,1 g.

Selamat makan tahu! :D :D :D

*from many sources

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Danbo's diary (3)

Why are you so surprise to this seismic, Danbo?

Danbo's diary (2)

Hai, Doraemon.
Why are you so big?

Danbo's diary (1)

Congratulations on your final exam pass.
So I'm here to bring you these flowers. :)


ikhlas itu memang susah
tapi bukan ngga mungkin kok,

God always have a plan.
It is just us who don't know what's God already prepare.

*just to remind you and myself :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

round of light

Just like life, spinning all around, up and down, left and right.

The Amazing Race Asia, Singapore (4), a sunset in Sentosa Island

Still in the island, after spent a full day of excitement, it's time to enjoy a nature in our neighbor country :D

Beach is always be my escape place, wherever it is. It is just so peaceful to feel the wind while your feet is drabbling by the ocean water. Singapore as the 5th most busiest harbor in the world gives you a really beautiful scenery with the lamp from the ship as the background in the dark sea. It is mixed with the red-orange sunset color from the sky that gives you extraordinary feeling. Feeling of gratefulness that you can enjoy this nice landscape in abroad, but also feeling of missing the home that can be reached by crossing those sea. The feelings are amalgamated as one :)

Because the island is so small, you can have a walk around it. Along the beach, there are so many cafe with a live music. They also provide you a beach chair if you want to sit in the beach. The lighting? well, just don't expect for more :D You will never feel afraid of darkness if you go to these area, hehe

Another tourist attraction that you must see in this Sentosa Island is the 'Songs of the Sea'. It a water spray event with an illumination from the laser, collaborate with the real people and many fireworks that created a story of a small fish and others sea creature. The fish aren't real, they made it from the projection in the water splash by the lighting from the projector.

The shows play 2 times per day in the night, because they need a dark background from the sea so we can see the character of the story clearly. By the way, the shows is held in the beach and the water that they use for the show is straight from the ocean water. You cannot miss this one if you go to Singapore!

at the left picture, its the sign for the performance, 'Songs of the Sea', and in the right picture, its the amphitheatre where we sit and enjoy the show.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Amazing Race Asia, Singapore (3), Universal Studio!

This is the reason why I want to stay in Singapore before I went home :D

Universal Studio Singapore is located in Sentosa Island. you can reach there by using an MRT from Marina Bay station in North South Line. But you can also walk to cross the sea (well, it is not that far if you can enjoy the sea wind) and they also provide bus.

The amusement park that had opened a couple years ago in this city really attract my attention since the first time. With so many rides that provided in this park, I really enjoy every single time in here. Even a rainy day cannot hide my excitement, and I released all my energy to try most of the rides :D

Roller coaster, which I love, has so many types in here. From indoor to outdoor roller coaster, from the usual to unusual roller coaster, you can find it here!
Battlestar Galactica and Revenge of the Mummy is my favorite!

The ticket price for one day pass in non peak day is 68 singapore dollar. I recommend you to buy the ticket first in the Travel Agent in your country because if you buy it directly in the spot, you will get a long queue.

This park is divided by 7 zones, which is Hollywood, New York, sci-fi city, Ancient Egypt, Far-Far Away, Lost World and Madagascar. Each zone will give you a different feeling with different architecture that represent the zone. Like in the picture beside, that is a castle from Shrek movie, located in Far-Far Away zone. On the other hand, in Madagascar zone, they decorated it really well with a really big ship which bring the 4 main character across the sea like in the movie :D

I think it is best for you to come here not in the weekend or in the holiday season, so you wouldn't get a long queue for each rides that you want to try.

If you want to know more, you always can check their official website:

Besides the rides, there are so many character from the movie and you are allowed to take a picture with them. The most famous one is Marylin Monroe, but still, my favorite is Kungfu Panda \(^o^)/

Anyway, I really like it and I wish to come here again, soon!

The Amazing Race Asia, Singapore (2), The famous Orchard Road

If you visit Singapore, then the most famous in the city is this Orchard Road.

This road is filled with many department store, like Takashimaya, and you can find all the branded goods here. And many of the Indonesians, who like to shopping, really like this area because sometimes the things that you cannot find in Indonesia is available here.

Since I travel near Christmas date, so Orchard road was filled with many Christmas trees decoration and fullof light in many color.You can reach here by using all kind of transport, They have a big MRT station in the underpass. For a taxi, sometimes they have a long queue especially in the night.

Well I cannot say much about this area. All I can say is: Be careful of your pocket, or you will end spend too much money by buying all the branded items here :D

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Amazing Race Asia, Singapore (1), a step to going back home

Yeay! it's Singapore!
Just one hour and a couple minute from Jakarta, so I stop by this city to enjoy the excitement that they offer us in this 710.2 kmsquare area.

Well, this is my third time to visit this country. In my previous two trips, I always came here with my grandma. And when I step on the Changi airport again last time, I was kinda missing you, :( But I know, you always be with me every time, and still loving me wherever you are :)

I arrived from Kyoto in the late afternoon, and only plan to stay for 2 nights in here. I've got a cheap hotel while I stayed in Bangkok and Singapore, it's all from booking it from the internet and get the great value from them.

If you want to search for the hotel, you can try to search it from: or If your destination city has a link to air asia airlines, sometimes they have their hotel link too in it. Try to visit too, in this hotel they have assured that they have professional and modern services and if you are lucky, you can get a really cheap price. One thing that you should consider beside its price and service, is the distance between the hotel and the downtown of the city. You should also see the the nearest public transportation such as a MRT station or subway station, or whether the area is safe for you or your family to stay.

For a cheap flight, I recommend you to see Well, although the service of this airlines is so standard, but for me it is enough because i can save money :D You can search your flight too in and see the comparisons between prices from many airlines. Make sure you check your departure and arrival time before you make your booking. For a connecting flight, search the flight that have a shortest waiting time but make sure the time is enough for you to change your departure gate. Another tip for make a flight reservation, try to make the schedule a long time before your trip because sometimes longer time you make the booking, you will get cheaper price. :D

So I'm nearly home, and I'm ready to discover Singapore. \(^o^)/


Karena lagi suka banget ama yoghurt, mari kita buat ulasan ttg makanan (atau minuman?) yang satu ini :D diambil dari hasil menyelam di mbah google, dicampur2 jadi satu tulisan yang *mudah2an* bisa enak dibaca, hehe


Yoghurt pertama kali ditemukan oleh warga Turki. Awalnya para penggembala domba menyimpan susu hasil perahannya pada kantung yang terbuat dari kulit domba. Setelah disimpan beberapa waktu, susu terfermentasi oleh bakteri sehingga menjadi asam, teksturnya mengental namun tidak basi. Hasil temuan inilah yang berkembang menjadi yoghurt seperti kita kenal sekarang.

Yoghurt merupakan suatu produk hasil olahan susu dengan bakteri fermentasi susu. Yoghurt memiliki aroma dan tekstur khas dari hasil fermentasi bakteri laktosa yang menghasilkan asam laktat.Pembuatan yoghurt dimulai dengan proses fermentasi oleh bakteri Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophiles. Kedua macam bakteri tersebut berfungsi untuk mengubah laktosa jadi asam laktat dan membuat Yoghurt memiliki rasa asam. Dengan adanya proses fermentasi, kadar laktosa yang ada pada yoghurt dapat dikurangi hingga aman untuk dikonsumsi baik oleh para kaum lansia maupun orang yang memiliki alergi dengan susu. Terbukti bahwa yoghurt memiliki kandungan lemak yang rendah, sehingga aman bagi Anda yang sedang diet. Selain itu, gizi yang terkandung dalam yoghurt juga lebih tinggi daripada susu segar.

Ditilik dari komposisi zat gizinya, yoghurt sangat tinggi kalsium dan zat besi, zat yang baik untuk mencegah keropos tulang . Berdasarkan sumber The Wellness Encyclopedia (1991) menyebutkan bahwa setiap 227 gr yoghurt mengandung 275 – 400 mg kalsium, angka yang cukup tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan sumber kalsium yang lain. Kandungan gizi lain adalahvitamin B-komplek untuk kesehatan reproduksi, protein untuk pertumbuhan, mineral dan vitamin lain untuk menjaga dan memelihara kesehatan sel tubuh.

Bagi para penderita lactose intolerance, yoghurt dapat menjadi pengganti susu karena laktosa sudah dirubah menjadi asam laktat sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi. Lain halnya dengan penelitian Ellie Metchnikoff (pemenang nobel kedokteran 1908). Hasil penelitiannya yang dilakukan di Balkan menyimpulkan bahwa ada korelasi positif antara kosumsi yoghurt dengan panjang umur. Terbukti, penduduk Balkan yang banyak mengkonsumsi yoghurt mempunyai usia yang panjang (± 87 tahun). Menurut Ellie, kebiasaan mengkonsumsi yoghurt yang mengandung bakteri aktif bermanfaat untuk mencegah terjadinya keracunan akibat radikal bebas(penyebab kanker ) dan penuaan dini.

  • Yoghurt dapat membuat pencernaan lebih sehat.
  • Yoghurt mampu mengatasi diare.
  • Yoghurt bermanfaat untuk mencegah infeksi vagina dengan menghambat perkembangan jamur, karena yoghurt mampu mengurangi tingkat keasaman (pH).
  • Yoghurt dapat mencegah resiko terserang darah tinggi.
  • Yoghurt dapat mencegah penyakit osteoporosis karena memiliki kandungan vitamin D dan kalsium.
  • Yoghurt mengandung berbagai zat yang bergizi yang sangat berguna untuk mencegah kanker.

Untuk manfaat maksimal, pilih yoghurt yang tanpa bahan pengawet, pemberi rasa dan warna. Plain yoghurt adalah pilihan yang baik, selain mengandung bakteri aktif yang baik untuk system pencernaan, jenis ini juga tanpa penambahan bahan-bahan kimia berbahaya. Jangan lupa untuk menyimpanya dalam suhu dingin karena yoghurt tinggi protein dan mengandung bakteri aktif yang mudah rusak jika disimpan pada suhu ruang.

Cita rasa yoghurt yang creamy, asam dan segar tidak Cuma lezat dikonsumsi langsung. Aneka jenis masakanpun lebih lezat jika Anda menambahkan yoghurt ke dalamnya. Jika anda membuat satai atau olahan dari daging seperti shish kabab atau chicken tandori, cobalah menambahkan plain yoghurt dalam bumbu perendam. Hasilnya selain memperkaya nilai gizi, olahan daging pun akan lebih empuk, gurih dan lezat.


Nyamnyamm kan, yoghurt? :D
enak, banyak manfaatnya pula. hehe..


I know that there is no thing such impossible for you,
But Dear God, is it possible?

I read before that if someone has a good dream, it is from you,
and if someone has a bad dream, then it is from the devil.

Do you know God, my dream last night was so beautiful.
You make my hopes high, when I try to bury it deep down.

Well God, I surrender my life in You.
Everything that I choose, I hope You always guard me.
Because you know what best for me.
You know what best for us.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Well, because since this afternoon my work in lab was just youtube-ing about the tutorial to wear hijab or veil, so why don't I write about hijab now? :D

Hijab is muslimah responsibility, to cover the area from head to chest. In Indonesia, as the largest muslim country, there are so many women use hijab. But nowadays, there are a lot of style to wear it. I must admit that the way we wear it is so different from an arabic woman. In the middle east area, almost all women wear all black, from the hijab until the cloak. They (almost) perfectly cover their body with the loose dress, and sometimes they use purdah or veil to cover their face.

Hijabers trend (well, it is not to cornered one or two organization, but when I wear or see someone that used this style of wearing a hijab, other people will say that it is a hijabers-style) become famous day by day in Indonesia.
I'm not say that the way they wear the hijab is wrong, but to say that it is enough to be called a hijab too, i can't say that.
Maybe we, including myself, all still learn how to wear hijab in the perfect shape, but you must know, that to wear that too you need a big brave heart and strong enough to resist all the temptation. Don't judge them wrong, but correct them and give them support to be can wear hijab like Al-Quran says.

Bismillah :)


nulis apa yaa..
bingung deh..

ada yang punya ide enaknya nulis ttg apaan?

*suatu sore menunggu maghrib yang geje di lab geofisika reservoir.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Autism Awareness Day

"Autism is not limited to a single region or a country; it is a worldwide challenge that requires global action."

Secretary of United Nations-General Ban Ki-moon

Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired and social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. For a diagnosis to be made, symptoms must become apparent before a child is three years old. Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize; how this occurs is not well understood. It is one of three recognized disorders in the autism spectrum (ASDs), the other two being Asperger Syndrome, which lacks delays in cognitive development and language, and Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (commonly abbreviated as PDD-NOS), which is diagnosed when the full set of criteria for autism or Asperger syndrome are not met.

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that manifests itself during the first three years of life. The rate of autism in all regions of the world is high and it has a tremendous impact on children, their families, communities and societies.

The World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) Resolution had four main components:
1) the establishment of 2 April as WAAD
2) participation of UN organizations, member states, NGOs and all private & public organizations in WAAD
3) raise awareness of Autism on all levels in society
4) Secretary-General of UN should deliver this message to member states and all other UN organs

So starting from now,
Please pay your respect to autism people.
Don't use them as a joke that you usually do to your friend.
Remember, they are human too, like you, who still have a heart.

Me, a sister of the autism brother :)

*from many sources

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Someone Like You

Adele, someone like you.
no matter how many times I hear this song,
my mind keep flying towards you.

never mind I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
don't forget me, I begged
I remember you said
sometimes it lasts in love,
but sometimes its hurts instead

time flies,
but memories don't.

*ps: untuk yang lagi galau :p

What makes you beautiful

I really like this song!
So full of joy, love, and simply youth

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

you can see the music video here

One direction - What makes you beautiful

You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

So c-come on,
You got it wrong,
To prove I'm right,
I put it in a song,
I don't know why,
You're being shy,
And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

Na Na Na Na Na Na Naaa,
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na [x2]

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,