Thursday, April 10, 2014

Feel what they feel

 Couple days ago, i found a really amazing video.

She is also autistic kids, and when i saw the video, her behavior just like kakang in some ways.

Di video itu ditunjukkan bahwa anak perempuan tersebut, Carly, dia tidak bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang tuanya sampai pada akhirnya, orang tuanya menemukan cara untuk berkomunikasi dengannya dengan cara mengetik. Yup, type the word and have a chat with her!

But what makes me feel so amazed at her is that she can type what she's felt inside, and maybe most of autistic kids feel the same way.

'You don't know what it feels like to be me, when you can't sit still because your legs feel like they are on fire, or it feels like a hundred ants are crawling up your arms'

'It's hard to be autistic because no one understand me. What do i want? I want to be like every other kid. But i can't. Because I am Carly.'

Well.. dari video itu akhirnya aku tau kenapa kakang suka gemes/ngamuk kalau aku nyalain radio di mobil dan memutarkan lagu-lagu tertentu. Finally i understand and i don't want to force him to hear the radio anymore.

Well.. yeah, finally. After 20 years of his life.

Please watch the video and please understand autistic kids better :)


  1. Cerita yang luar biasa, thanks for sharing....:)
    salam kenal buat Kakang...^_^
    by: Juza, mahasiswi psikologi

  2. Haloo Juza, iya salam kenal juga yaa hehe..
    Makasih yaa udah mau baca-baca ceritanya.. Insya Allah disampaiin salamnya ke kakang hehe ^o^
