Thursday, March 29, 2012
demonstration, is it really works?
bukan pula maksudku untuk menjudge salah atau benar.
hanya bingung,
apa betul, demonstrasi itu berpengaruh?
apa betul, demonstrasi itu berpihak untuk rakyat miskin?
apa betul, mereka mengerti benar tentang permasalahan yang ada sehingga melakukan demonstrasi itu sendiri?
demonstrasi itu bukan solusi.
apalagi demonstrasi yang membuat keadaan menjadi ricuh,
yang memakan korban, baik harta maupun jiwa,
demonstrasi yang bertopeng mahasiswa namun perilakunya mencerminkan, maaf, orang tak berpendidikan,
ya, menurutku, sebagai mahasiswa, kita seharusnya tahu apa tugas-tugas utama kita,
agent of change?
persetan dengan itu.
apa gunanya menjadi agen perubahan tetapi kita malah membuat kerusuhan dan mengganggu hajat hidup orang banyak?
apa gunanya kita lama-lama berdemonstrasi yang mungkin, anggota dewan yang terhormat itu tidak sungguh-sungguh mendengar kita.
akan sungguh lebih baik kalau kita melakukan kewajiban kita sebagai mahasiswa, yaitu belajar, dan kemudian menerapkannya untuk kemajuan bangsa?
bukannya malah melempari pos polisi dengan batu dan membakar barang-barang yang membuat kemacetan super panjang yang merugikan banyak orang.
apakah hal yang kalian lakukan itu sungguh solutif?
apakah tidak lebih baik kalau kalian cepat lulus kuliah dan justru menciptakan lapangan kerja yang banyak bagi para rakyat miskin yang kalian sebut atas nama kalian itu sehingga mereka bisa mencukupi kebutuhan hidup mereka?
mungkin terdengar klise,
tapi aku muak dengan berita di televisi yang hampir setiap hari menyiarkan adanya demonstrasi
mungkin kalian lupa, para mahasiswa,
di saat kalian membuat suasana menjadi panas malam ini dengan tindakan konyol kalian,
masih ada seorang bapak dengan anaknya yang masih bayi terduduk di pinggir jalan,
tak berumah, bahkan tak berselimut,
apa kalian bisa membantunya dengan hanya berdemonstrasi?
aku tak yakin,
mungkin kalian juga lupa, hai para demonstran,
biaya kuliah itu mahal,
dan orang tua kalian itu bersusahpayah membiayai kalian,
jangan sia-siakan itu semua dengan hanya menghabiskan waktu kalian dijalan,
membakar ban dan mobil-mobil,
yang mungkin pada akhirnya, nyawa kalian yang akan melayang tertembus peluru tajam,
mati sia-sia.
yah, itu hanya pemikiranku semata.
mungkin berbeda denganmu,
namun sungguh, aku hanya ingin negeri ini damai.
ingin bahwa bangsanya, terutama generasi muda, bukan berperang dan menyangkal masalah yang ada,
namun menyikapi masalah tersebut dengan arif sehingga masalah tersebut dapat terselesaikan dengan baik,
untuk Tuhan, bangsa, dan almamater.
The Amazing Race Asia, Kyoto (15), Public Transport
Japan, as many other big country, has a nice transportation system. Shinkansen, a bullet train that can move for 300km per hour, is one of the famous transportation in Japan.
For inside the city, you can count on the subway or public bus. in Kyoto, if I would recommend you, I prefer to take a city bus rather than train, so I see the city landscape with many old shrine and beautiful autumn trees view.

If you want to take a bus, you must stop a bus station. The incredible thing is, in the bus stop you can know what time will the bus come. The bus stop provide you an information board like the left picture so you'll know the minute that the bus will pick you.
In Japan, you enter the bus in the middle door, and exit from the front door. For payment, you do that when you exit the bus, right beside the driver. You can pay by your transport card, money, or you can also buy a day pass ticket like in the picture above. One day pass ticket only cost 500 yen, you can buy it from the bus driver, and I strongly recommend you to have it because you can use this card many times in a day, so it will save your money more efficiently.

In Japan, even the wheelchair person can use the buses. Like in the picture,the bus driver will kindly help you to enter and exit the bus. And more amazingly, all the bus passenger waiting patiently without any complain, although the process to move the wheelchair takes time around 5-10 minutes. I hope Indonesian people can be like that too.
You can find more about the city bus system in here.
I had arrived and departured in Kyoto from Kansai International Airport (KIX). This airport is very large and it was built in an island so we have to cross a long bridge to reach there.
You can go to KIX by using bus or train, which is cheaper, but when I want to go back to Singapore, my sensei told me to use the MK taxi from my hotel in Kyoto city beacuse I had a lot of baggage so she think that it'll be difficult for me to take the public transport. They more like typical travel in Indonesia for me than a taxi in usual. It cost 3500 yen from your hotel to KIX, and they will pick you in your hotel at the exact time like they told you (yes, Japanese people are very on time person).
well, this is the end of my story in Japan. Hope I visit this place again, soon :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The Amazing Race Asia, Kyoto (14), Toilet and me

Well, if you know me, you must have known that I can be separated from the toilet :D
In Japan, the toilets are very unique. There are so many button like in the picture. Beside the buttons for spray the water, there is a button for change the temperature of the toilet. Because of it is the autumn or winter season, the toilets are usually warm. But if you spend much time in the warm toilet, be careful to have an irritation in your skin.
The other button is for the flush sound. Japanese people are very shy and they think to have any sound inside the toilet are not polite, so while we are inside the toilet, we push that button so we can hide the sound and replace that by the flush sound.
No comment for this :D
The Amazing Race Asia, Kyoto (13), Sushi, one plate is never enough!

Sushi is the most famous Japanese cuisine in the world now. Even in Indonesia, sushi restaurants are easy to find everywhere. Well, since I'm in Japan, why don't i try the original japanese sushi right from the Japanese chef? :D

Yes, it is very delicious! nyamnyamnyaaammm~~~~~
Most of the sushi types are made from the fresh and raw seafood, and it is rare to have sushi with fried or custom filling like we have in Indonesia. But still, it is sooo yummy!

Like I told you before, one plate is never enough..
The Amazing Race Asia, Kyoto (12), Kiyomizudera Temple
The last temple that I visited in Kyoto was Kiyomizudera Temple. This temple is located in the southeast part of Kyoto city, and built in the mountain (or hill?) called Kiyomizu mountain.
Kiyomizudera temple is very unique and it is not like the other temple. Why? because the building is very high and built by a strong foundation made from wood. You can see the picture of the main building of the Kiyomizudera temple in the very bottom of this page. You can see how stout the building is, with a beautiful landscape surrounds it.
Kiyomizudera temple is hemmed with a very large garden. And in the autumn, you can have a beautiful momiji in this area. In the night, it's even prettier because of the illumination that bright the trees.
You have to walk from the foot of the mountain to reach the temple area. There are two ways for walk, but I think you wont feel too tired to climb it because along the way to up, it is filled with many shops and restaurant so you can have a sightseeing while you take a walk :D
If you want to take a picture in the night, i suggest you to bring your tripod. because of the lighting from the illumination is very nice, it is good to take a picture without flash and with a wide aperture :D
Anyway, if you go to Kyoto, please come to this place. You will be at loss if you don't seek this famous Kiyomizudera temple :)
The Amazing Race Asia, Kyoto (11), Kinkakuji temple and Nijo castle
You need to pay to enter the Kinkakuji temple complex, only for 400 yen. Kinkakuji was inscribed as World Cultural Heritage in 1994, because the temple and garden remains as it was in former days and can be enjoyed as it was hundreds of years ago :D
Inside the castle, you can see a beautiful garden and pond which will give you a calm and compose feeling if you walk in there. And in the night, there is night time illumination in the trees which is very beautiful. :)
The Amazing Race Asia, Kyoto (10), Shopping? Of course!
When you travel to somewhere, buy it's specialities is a must. :D
Well, it is not a bad habit, though, but because of this, a lot of Indonesian have a problem of maximum baggage in the return flight.
Japan is popular as one of the most expensive country. Yes, it is true I think, but it doesn't means that you can not do shop with your limited budget. It is just depend on where you go to buy that, and what kind of items that you want to give to your friends in home.
In Kyoto, if you want to shop, I suggest you to visit Teramachi Shopping Arcade or Shinkyogoku Shopping Arcade. It is near Kawaramachi station or you can reach there by taking a city bus. From 100 and 300 yen shop to the department store that has a branded items, you can find it here! :D
Well, as a (half) backpacker (and also a student, which has a limited money, hehe), I really like to have a walk in the street shop here and try to find a cute and unique things from Japan with a lower price than the big store. \(^o^)/
You can also find the souvenir shop from Japan which sell a traditional things from Japan, from a kimono to a many kind of ninja weapon, like in Naruto anime. But if you want to give a gift for your friend, I recommend you to take a look at 100 or 300 yen shop. In this shop, all the item has the same price, which is very cheap than in most of the other store, but the goods itself is very nice. From a scarf to accessories for a women, from a hat to gloves for a men, even many kind of snack and home appliances, they have it all!
The pictures show you the situation of the arcade in the afternoon and in the evening. No matter when, it is always crowded :D
So, hope you'll enjoy your shopping!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
do you know what is the most happiest from birthday?
it's not about the gift
it's about the happiness that they shared with me
about the hopes that they want me to,
to know that they still care about me, still celebrate it for me,
to send me a wishes, all the good luck for me,
it is priceless. :)
Alhamdulillah, I am so blessed, my dear sweet love Allah SWT.
Thank you for all Your kindness in my 24 years.
Hope You always be with me, guide me and protect me.
Monday, March 26, 2012
as you know, there are a lot of kind of phobia. My self has an claustrophobia, and it makes me hard to breath when in stuck in a narrow place.
Well, these are 10 kind of unique phobia that I read in, it is in Bahasa, though,hehe..
10. Geliophobia: ketakutan luar biasa terhadap gelak tawa atau berada di sekitar orang yang tertawa. Penderitanya memiliki kecemasan yang ekstrim saat menonton lelucon dan pada saat menemukan orang lain tertawa didekatnya.
9. Pantophobia: ketakutan akan segala hal. Penderita fobia ini dideskripsikan memiliki rasa takut yang semu dan terus-menerus akan sesuatu yang tidak diketahui dan jahat. Pada kondisi ekstrim, penderitanya bisa mencapai tahap kegilaan.
8. Hedonophobia: ketakutan akan perasaan senang. Penderita hedonophobia merasa bersalah bila merasa bahagia. Perasaan ini muncul karena mereka terlalu memikirkan perasaan orang lain disekitarnya masih kesusahan.
7. Levophobia: ketakutan pada benda-benda yang berada di sebelah kiri. Sebaliknya, takut akan sesuatu di sisi kanan disebut Dextrophobia.
6. Counterphobia: menyukai situasi yang menakutkan. Phobia ini agak berbeda dengan phobia lainnya. Penderitanya berusaha untuk menghindari objek yang menjadi sumber ketakutan mereka, sehingga mereka dengan sengaja mencari sesuatu yang dapat membuat mereka takut.
5. Alliumphobia: ketakutan terhadap bawang putih. Penderita biasanya mengalami reaksi eksentrik setiap kali mereka melihat atau mencium bau bawang putih. Banyak orang yang 'memplesetkan' penderita alliumphobia sebagai jelmaan vampir.
4. Phobophobia: ketakutan akan memiliki rasa takut itu sendiri atau terhadap fobia itu sendiri. Penyebabnya bisa disebabkan dari kombinasi peristiwa traumatik dan penyebab internal, seperti masalah genetika atau keturunan.
3. Cibophobia: ketakutan pada makanan itu sendiri. Penderitanya menghindari makanan dan menganggap beberapa makanan itu menjijikkan. Fobia ini sering dianggap sama dengan anorexia, padahal keduanya amat berbeda.
2. Arachibutyrophobia: ketakutan yang berlebihan pada selai kacang yang menempel di langit-langit mulut. Orang yang memiliki fobia ini akan sangat merasa terganggu atau malu untuk mengeluarkan selai yang terjebak di bagian atas mulutnya, terutama di tempat umum. Akibatnya, penderita fobia ini tidak akan makan selai kacang seumur hidup mereka.
1. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: ketakutan pada kata atau kalimat yang panjang. Penderitanya cenderung mudah marah atau ketakutan saat menemukan tulisan dengan kalimat yang panjang-panjang.
so you now know what Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is, right? hihihi
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Januari di Kota Dili
If the song is good, no matter when, it still enjoyable to listen to it.
Altough Dili is no longer be a part of Indonesia, still, i like to sing this song :)
you can download it from youtube.
Here is the lyrics:
Biarlah layar terkembang
Kuingin menyeberang
Melintas pulau dan lautan
Menjemput cintaku
Belahan jiwa yang tertinggal
Di Timur Lorosae…
Menderu ombakmu menabuh pantai
Kala tatap matamu Sapa jiwaku
Membiru lautmu memeluk pasir
Kala harum nafasmu sebut namaku
Dua langit t’lah membaur disuatu cakrawala
Dua biduk t’lah berlabuh disuatu dermaga cinta
Januari di kota Dili
Tak terkira cinta bersemi
Januari lekas berganti
Dan terhempas cintaku
Januari di kota Dili
Kian hangat dalam ingatan
Nantikanlah aku kembali
Tuk menjemput cintamu
Menguning bulanmu mengetuk malam
Mesra jemarimu belai sukmaku
Membias bintangmu menghias hidup
Dan hangatnya bibirmu kecup kalbuku
Dua langit telah membaur disuatu cakrawala
Dua biduk tlah berlabuh disuatu dermaga cinta
Cintamu Timor Lorosae…
Cintaku Timor Lorosae…
Januari di Kota Dili, by Rita Effendi
yes, it wasn't a mistake.
but i think, i have the same way of thinking with her.
i told her that if it's not marriage, just only a date, i will pursue her to leave him.
but for marriage, it is not as easy as that.
the responsibility is getting bigger and bigger.
but tonight i realize,
i should take a mirror and talk to myself the same thing like i told her this afternoon.
and even a smallest thing can makes me cry.
this so-over-sensitive is killing me. :(
Monday, March 12, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
23:03, 08032001
tapi hati, sungguh tak bisa dipaksa.
*balada ngerjain thesis, ketika rasa malas menyerang, wkwkwk*
true colors
such an old song,
with so many singer that has a remake from this song.
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
Its hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small
But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there
And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
Saturday, March 3, 2012
23.16, 03032012
di saat kesadaran sudah mulai menipis, melayanglayang seperti dandelion yang diterbangkan angin semilir
di saat kaki bergetar walaupun bumi sedang tak menumpahkan kekuatan tektonik raksasanya
di saat hati sedang berkecamuk mengalami bagaimana rasanya diserbu topan katrina
dan di saat otak, mulai terpengaruh aliran derasnya nescafe latte seharga 7000rupiah yang mengarungi panjangnya saluran kerongkongan,
aku rindu dirimu, Tuhan.
Friday, March 2, 2012
whatever we imagine
oh, how I love his songs so much!!
Whatever We Imagine
>> James Ingram
Don't be afraid
I can meet you half way
We cant always know
Where the road ends up
But with some luck
I know we can go
Where-ever we imagine
Why should we wait
Later on maybe too late
Cause where can we run
When you see there's half a chance
That we might really become
Whatever we imagine
And imagine you and me
Just taking shots at what we see
And if we falter
Take away the dust
And just outlast them all
You ought to see
All your heroes in me
But if we get wise
We can break the walls we make
And you can see in my eyes
Whatever we imagine
And imagine you and me
Just taking shots at what we see
So let the walls go down
And we can try it again
Cause nobody can stop us now
Don't be afraid
Cause I'll meet you half way
You're not far behind
If we climb this hill
I know there's still a chance we can find
Whatever we imagine in our life
We can make it there baby
Ohhh, Whatever we imagine
Don't you see baby
It's all in our minds
I'll meet you halfway
Whatever we imagine